About The Show
Bookworm Banquet is a book review podcast that aims to Satisfy Your Literary Cravings. Your hosts, JD and Nicole, will be serving up book reviews and author interviews on all genres of books with a couple caveats; the books must be clean and they've got to be a good read.The goal of the show is to offer wholesome reading options to listeners, whether they are fiction or biography, current releases or classics, children’s books or books for older readers, JD and Nicole will review and discuss them all! They are avid readers who love talking about literature and would love for you to join the conversation.
About The Hosts
Currently residing in Phoenix, Arizona, JD is an avid reader, a technology enthusiast, and music lover. He also enjoys poetry, audio drama, live theater, and eating.
Favorite books: Dekker's Circle series, The Lord of the Rings, Robinson Crusoe.
Random Facts About JD: His ice cream flavor of choice is vanilla. He loves Pachelbel's Canon in D. He's a fan of Android OS and he enjoys camping, the outdoors and geocaching.
See all JD's Reviews
Nicole spends her day in the company of teenagers, where she teaches them high school history at the same academy from which she was privileged to graduate.
Living in the great Valley of the Sun for over 25 years, Nicole loves this desert with a passion. Hiking, exploring, and learning its history are her favorite pastimes.
Favorite books: The Bible, Jane Eyre, Tarzan of the Apes
Random facts: Coffee is a necessity of her life. She crochets! Nicole also enjoys plays, tennis, symphonies, golf, and traveling.
Blog Contributors

Sarah Grace is a voracious reader, and if it weren’t for this crazy thing called “Life”, she’d be tempted to spend all her days in front of a woodstove, book in one hand, coffee mug in the other. A lover of learning, she finds enjoyment in many things and has more hobbies than she knows what to do with. When not reading, spending time with her ever-growing family, or buried in a textbook, she can be found painting, playing the piano, producing music and audio dramas, web designing, fangirling with her sisters and friends, or discussing technology with her brothers. Sarah Grace inhabits the State of Great Lakes and wouldn’t want to live anywhere else.
See all Sarah Grace's Reviews | Visit Sarah Grace's Website
See all Hannah's Reviews | Visit Hannah's Website
Victoria Lynn is a “Jane of all trades” who seeks to master them. She runs several small businesses and is the girl behind the blog, Ruffles and Grace. She is an Indie Author with a passion for literature and the written word. She lives in the glorious state of many lakes, Michigan, with her parents and eight siblings. She devours books and likes to say that if she could get paid for every book she has read, she would be a millionaire. Some of her favorite things to do include writing fiction, learning new things, acting, creating something with her hands and playing the piano or singing. She also is one of the founders of Ichthus Family Productions and seeks to honor the Lord in all that she does.
See all Victoria's Reviews | Visit Victoria's Website
Lilian S. has been a hardcore bookworm since the tender age of 7 and a book reviewer for a couple of years. She is currently a student and in her spare time enjoys singing, graphic designing, and interacting with other Christ-minded readers. A couple of her favorite genres in both books and movies are: Christian contemporary, fantasy, and dystopian. She occasionally enjoys science and historical fiction and likes a good suspense novel as well. Lilian is also an athlete (Ultimate Frisbee, anyone?), a blogger at Green Tea With Books, and founder at reviewer site Stellae Books.
See all Lilian's Reviews | Visit Lilian's Website